Sunday, September 12, 2010

What is the Law of Attraction? Like Attracts Like

The Law of Attraction is one of the better known universal laws. The theory behind the Law of Attraction is that we create our own realities. We attract things we want and we also attract things we don't want. We attract the people in our lives, the stuff in our homes, and the money in our bank accounts through our thoughts and feelings.

When our beliefs are limited, we attract limited wealth and compromise our well-being. When we believe anything is possible, the sky's the limit. In fact, you can break through that glass roof on the sky with your miraculous positive thoughts. When we focus on the "lack of" we are creating a less-than reality. But, if focus on being abundant and happy we will enjoy a luxurious and glorious reality.

About The Secret

The Law of Attraction is not a new phenomenon, the theory behind its teachings has been around for ages. The release of the movie The Secret in 2006, based on Rhonda Byrne's book with the same name, created a media blitz that brought the teachings of the Law of Attraction to new heights. Many Law of Attraction teachers who were featured in the movie hit the talk show circuits promoting the movie and the law itself. Oprah, The Larry King Show, and Ellen were some of the talk shows that invited teachers who starred in the movie as their guests.

Attracting What You Want in Three Steps

Although the theory behind the Law of Attraction is very simple, putting it into practice on a conscious level takes work. Negative and limiting belief systems are buried deep inside us. Changing or ridding yourself of ideas and old habits that defeat you at every turn can be done. Are you up to the challenge? 
The creative process as portrayed in the extended version of the movie The Secret involves three steps to attracting all your desires.
  1. Ask - You must know what you want. I mean, really know what you want. The universe can't deliver without first knowing what it is that you want to have manifested into your life.
  2. Believe - You need to truly believe that what you are asking for will become yours. Doubts need to be pushed away. The idea that failure is a possibility will mess up the delivery.
  3. Receive - It is important that you become an active player in reaching your goals. When opportunity comes your way you must not hesitate. Grab the brass ring when it appears.

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