Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Live Here, I Give Here

Learn to GIVE
How many times do you feel moved by an issue or problem, but don’t know how to help? Do you ever feel you want to give, but won’t be able to give enough to make a difference? Perhaps you’ve heard of a non-profit organization but don’t know enough about their operations to trust them with your precious money.
These are common obstacles people face every day when considering how, when, and how much to give to a Non-Profits. I Live Here, I Give Here is committed to help you answer these questions and to connect you with non-profits that focus on the issues you care about.
We educate you about the specific needs and demands of the community. We enable you to discover the causes you’re most passionate about. We encourage you to engage in the true benefits of intentional giving. We are ready to connect you with the needs in Malaysia!
 Making Giving a Part of Your Life
Growing up, we’re taught to treat others as we’d like to be treated. As adults with busy lifestyles, we strive to uphold that simple idea, to take care of others as well as we take care of our families and ourselves. The most rewarding thing we can do for ourselves is to take care of others. To make philanthropy an ingrained part of your lifestyle benefits our neighbors and our community, but also, the gifts we receive in return far outweigh what we give.
The best way to incorporate giving into your lifestyle is to set up a budget that includes philanthropy. With dedicated funds, the next step is deciding where and how to put the money to work. As you examine the possibilities, we urge you to consider the Non-Profits that speak to you personally, and focus your giving there.
We know you’ll find the most reward in giving to the places that touch your heart. I Live Here, I Give Here’s ultimate goal is to connect your passion with the places that need it the most.

We are calling out to the world to help us achieve this dream for the people in need to make it a better place and a life worth living. so we are calling out to you all whoever you may be or what ever you are to help make this a reality for these people in need. Especially to Billionaires, Millionaires, VIP's, Celebrities and whoever is out there, why don't we all come together for this one cause to work hand in hand to make this dream come through for the people in need. People in Indonesia, India , Africa and Haiti they all need all the help they can get. We certainly can't do it alone we need the world to help us. So if you people are with us i wish to thank 
you so kindly in advance.

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