Sunday, September 26, 2010

Master Debaters: Pot vs Meth: SuperNews!

Do you do drugs? Don't answer that. Whether or not you are, have been or ever will be a drug user, the idea that marijuana is a gateway drug will always be questioned. Honestly, it's nothing more than a gateway to sitting on your ass eating from a bowl containing potato chips, licorice, broken Popsicles and tater tots.
Whereas meth can commonly lead to losing your teeth rapidly, crime and death. I'm not opining on that; that's just a fact of the drug. However, no matter how much we debate how bad or good or whatever either of these drugs are, perhaps it's better if we let the drugs themselves do the debating.
Which is exactly what the folks over at had in mind when they created the below video. It is a visualized animated debate between marijuana and meth, featuring such gems as "You're made out of battery acid and drain cleaner!" Awesome.

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