Sunday, October 7, 2012

45 Things You Can Do to Get Happy No Matter Where You Are

In any given moment, no matter if you’re at work, home, or sitting at Starbucks sipping on a caramel cappuccino, there are at least eight trillion things that you can do to suck a little more fun out of life.
It’s time to stop whining about the temperature outside and start loving every oozy minute. Here are 45 things that you can do to feel happier right now. I do suggest opening your agenda and choosing one to do every day for the next 45 days. Then call me (maybe) and tell me just how happy you are!
  1. Take a power nap (20 minutes).
  2. Leave a generous tip at a restaurant.
  3. Become a vegetarian/vegan.
  4. Get rid of 3 things you never use.
  5. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for.
  6. Don’t use Facebook for the rest of the day.
  7. Stop watching/reading the news for a week.
  8. Buy a new album on iTunes.
  9. Write a journal entry.
  10. Meditate.
  11. Go to the local coffee shop and talk to the barista.
  12. Sign up for a fitness class.
  13. Set a fitness goal.
  14. Watch a romantic comedy.
  15. Grab a book at the library.
  16. Join a book club.
  17. Take a deep breath.
  18. Clean your bathroom. Just do it. There are surprising benefits to a clean space.
  19. Sit on a park bench.
  20. Talk to the stranger next to you.
  21. Send someone a card “just because”.
  22. Go for a walk.
  23. Buy a plane ticket…to anywhere.
  24. Call a friend.
  25. Email a friend.
  26. Set a goal and get super-motivated.
  27. Stop being busy. Start being productive. Ask yourself: “Is my work producing direct results?”
  28. Cancel everything on your schedule that you’re not excited to do.
  29. Hell, just cancel everything on your schedule.
  30. Hide your credit card.
  31. Start your life list.
  32. Clean-up your desktop. Use Alfred to find things on your computer. It’ll change your life!
  33. Watch a TED talk.
  34. Go for a bike ride.
  35. Turn off the computer for the rest of the day.
  36. Smile.
  37. Buy someone lunch.
  38. Make a list of every kick ass thing you’ve already done in your life.
  39. Draw a picture
  40. Make a decision to stop doing what’s making you unhappy.
  41. Make a list of things you want to do before your next birthday.
  42. Drink some water.
  43. Take a picture of something beautiful.
  44. Read Zen Habits.
  45. Stop reading this. Get off your butt and do something. NOW.
Like I said, the options are limitless. So, I’d love to hear what you think in the comments. What one little thing do you do in order to get happy fast?

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